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Screenshot | Game name and Author | Platform | Description |
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Advanced 10 PRINT "Hello " 20 GO TO 10 Simulator
by Shaun Bebbington 01/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 128K/+2 | Ahh.. those were the days when you used to stroll into Dixons with a couple of friends and wait until the shop assistant (Invariably called "John") had his back turned whilst busy with another customer. Then you'd strike, running around the entire bay of eight-bit computers, typing the seminal program "10 PRINT "Hello " 20 GO TO 10" into each machine. To add add a bit of panache you might also use a semicolon or perhaps insert the newest swearword you'd learnt that week. Of course it didn't matter that you were 24 at the time and had just completed your PhD in advanced compuer science from Cambridge university. It was still expected if not considered compulsory to do this on visiting the popular high street chain. Anyway, you can now happily relive those days in this feature-packed simulator from Shaun. It allows you to create such a screen from thousands of possible variants, whilst also completely relieving you of any programming burden. |
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Bounce! (Preview Edition)
by Shaun Bebbington 02/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 128K/+2 |
Keys: Z - left, X - right
From the supplied text file:- Donkey Soft PRESENTS: Bounce! This is version v0.01 of Bounce, and is heavily cost-reduced. A full version will follow shortly, but at the moment, it stops when your score gets to -2. The full version will feature:
A nice front end (well, a front end), Enjoy! |
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Slap Me Forum Troll
by Arda 10/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K |
From the supplied readme:-
After being kicked out of another speccy forum, you, lamestage, found yourself in another nicely populated forum. Hopefully this time you can take the forum over, and have it all for yourself.
How to play? The game is written in basic and compiled with Mcoder3. Tools used in this fine creation are Basin and ZxSpin emulators. [Arda mentions his email address and blog URL in the readme which you can download - I won't put these details on here in case of spam. - DP] Arda "ref" Erdikmen 2008 |
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by Dr BEEP 11/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K |
I was last year guilty myself of changing my mind on submitting a game destined for Dr BEEP's one-liner compo. Instead I diverted it to the CGC compo after someone politely informed me the game was in fact crap [Look at the fine mess you got yourself into now - Oliver Hardy] But who was to know fate still held a few further surprises in store? Legendary byte-cruncher and erstwhile good game writer Dr BEEP finally joins the CGC party. I gather that this entry is a bit a of a light-hearted protest at the perceived anti-speccy bias in another compo. So please bear in mind the intra-compo political undertones behind the game as you enjoy this cereberal title. You can still hold dearly some admiration that it was crunched down to 1K.
If it's any consolation to Dr BEEP that his game may from now onwards be considered crap, then at least the same goes for everyone else's entries here. For this is the compo where [nearly] everyone knows your [nick]name and we can sometimes laugh with you and not just at you. Full game instructions included in the download. |
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Advanced Night Out Simulator
by Matt_B 11/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 16K |
Aah, we've all been there - yet can probably never remember it. Trying to ride home on the "beer scooter" after having "just one more pint" for about the 15th time, and you've only been in the boozer since 11am.
Avoid trouble as you somehow make it back to the bus stop. If you succeed then why not ramp up the difficulty to Ollie Reed levels by consuming an even larger amount of (simulated) beer. In fact it probably helps if you have some real beers too. The game features colourful high resolution graphics. |
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Advanced 10 PRINT "HELLO "; 20 GOTO 10 Simulator 128K Edition
by Ben Rapier 13/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 128K/+2 |
An impressive "large print" intro screen shows that even people with impared vision have been thoughtfully catered for in this title. It could be that this game was inspired by an earlier CGC title (no prizes for guessing which one), but this title takes a fundamentlly different approach. The entire toolkit of ZX BASIC PRINT and screen control keywords are at your disposal - giving the user true artistic freedom over their PRINT "HELLO" programming careers. If you want an exercise in self-reliance and the "do it yourself" mentality then this is the one for you. (Play it and you will see what I mean).
Makes rather smart use of the ramdisk (Which us specchums like to refer to as the "silicon disk"). |
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The Eric Morcambe Catching Invisible Things in a Bag Simulator
by Ben Rapier 13/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 128K/+2 | Back in the days before the telly was totally crap - the telly was well, partially crap, but you had to let someone else make you own entertainment back then. Just because we couldn't wire ourselves up to the global "information" network we would instead watch a great comedy legend attempt to catch invisible items in a bag. So the logical updating of this is to allow oursleves in the Internet era to become the comedic actor on our own personal digital stage. I managed to score -2 before grabbing the screenshot. Can you do any better than this? The ability to control computer software using only the power of your mind is a great advantage when playing this game. |
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La Pugly Ugly - The Long Journey
by Bonny Bonnet Hood Softwarts 13/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K |
Well, what can I say - clearly a lot of hard graft has gone into making this game. The intro screen is beautifully done with bright and detailed graphics yet the protagonist is pug ugly. Let's put it this way - you would not want to meet one of his species down a dark alley. Our unsightly hero does bounce along in the most vibrant manor as you control him, exploring the flip-screen game world. Some psychological pressure is applied to the player in the form of a continuous pulsing two-tone soundtrack. Yet a generous quota of lives is provided. The second screen fortells disaster - so caution is advisable. Always nice to see another platformer in the CGC (It's been a while.).
Be sure to check out the full instructions file, provided in the download. |
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16K Spectrum Emulator
by Andrew Owen 17/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K |
A first for this year's compo, Andrew elected to provide his submission in plain text format. Does this now mean I should edit the rules page again to specify this mode of entry is also permitted? No need really, I'll just note here that it certainly is. Well, for BASIC programs anyway, since I usually have BASin to hand. For machine code programs - I guess an assembly listing would be fine. I'm not sure if I'd want to be sent 48K of binary digits though!
To save some time for you CGC fans, I've also converted the program into a "playable" sna file, which I had to make anyway for the arcade page. It's also included in the download. The program itself thoughtfully POKEs the UDG sysvar and sets upper 32K to $FF as if disconnected to give a most authentic 16K experience to those 48K owners who feel they may otherwise be missing out. The option to skip the setting of the upper 32K may certainly be appreciated by those who like to do their speccy emulation whilst on the move. Andrew also draws our attention to the built in progress bar and the fact that the character bitmaps are actually copied from the ROM to where they should be in RAM on a 16K machine. The end result is that the lower 16K of RAM is indistinguishable from a true 16K spectrum. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone develops a program (with UDGs even) to showcase the full potential of this environment. Seriously, this entry could theoretically be useful (oops) as I don't think QAOP has a true 16K mode! |
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Improved Advanced 16K Spectrum Emulator
by Andrew Owen, Dr BEEP & James Smith 20/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K |
*Updated 20/09/08* - James Smith and Dr BEEP have further improved Andrew's program, leading to this version finally posted by Dr BEEP. It assembles to a mere 12 bytes - that's an average of 4 bytes each for Andrew, DR BEEP and James Smith.
Following on from the above entry, we now have the "Power Users" version of "16K Spectrum Emulator" written in 100% pure assembly language. It's probably about a million times faster than the previous version, so that's a nice speed improvement. You can either download this entry as usual or copy'n'paste from here:-
; Advanced 16K Spectrum Emulator ; Copyright 2008 Andrew Owen, Dr BEEP & James Smith org $nnFD dump $nnFD start equ loop+2 loop jp p,$11cb defb 0,0 ; Initially LD DE,0 then just 2x NOP di ld a,c ld (de),a dec de and d jr loop
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by Andrew Owen 20/09/08 Download |
Timex TC2048 & Spectrum SE |
What we have here is not so much a crap game, but more of a technically impressive utility. This is CSSCGC 2008 and we are open to submissions that are a little different - besides it is a most interesting entry. It could perhaps encourage further CGC entries for the Timex TC2048 or Spectrum SE.
I loaded this one up under the EightyOne Emulator version 1.0, and selected model "Timex TC2048". It worked perfectly under that set-up. You will find comprehensive instructions included in the downloadable zipfile, but to summarise, this program lets you print multicolor text as shown on the left. You can print to the "color" stream using commands like PRINT AT y,x; #4; "my text"; Note also that all characters sent to channel #4 must be terminated with a ';' or you get some strange behaviour. Not only can you redefine all 256 characters, but you can also define the attributes of each row of each character too. Again, I highly recommend reading the supplied readme.txt file for full instructions and to see the reconfigured ZX memory map. This is the first entry targeted at the "Spectrum SE" features as far as I know. It's also nice to get another entry that uses the Timex extra features too. |
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HunchBack '08
by Andrew Owen 23/09/08 Download |
Timex TC2048 & Spectrum SE |
Andrew writes:-
Hi, As promised, and to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Timex screen mode, I'm submitting: HunchBack '08 to the CSSCGC. This was originally written by me in 1984 when I was off sick from school. Clearly I was very ill. Enter to START, Q=LEFT, P=RIGHT, SPACE=JUMP. Previously entered as HunchBack '84 in CSSCGC99 for the Spectrum 48K. This one requires a Timex TC2048. No idea if it works on any emulators besides FUSE but it should work on anything that emulates a TC2048. Cheers! -Andrew |
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Mini Game Compo Simulator
by Dr BEEP 26/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K |
*Updated 28/09/08* - Dr BEEP provided instructions on how to access the "Easter Egg" in his game, found in this forum post, in SPOILER tags.
*Updated 26/09/08* - "B-key added (BIASED VOTING) I also noticed that this game had to be released during Easter 2008 since I found an easteregg in it. When the results are shown on 1 certain game you can activate a competition. The release of the game was overdue and the programmers forgot to take out the competition. You get the competition, but the competition has ended before the game was released on the market." Here we have |
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ZX Outlook
by polomint 28/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K & ZX Spectrum 128K/+2 | This version of Microsoft Outlook for the speccy is in some ways better than the original. For starters, it loads a damn sight quicker and has less problems. For example, it doesn't leave a permanent translucent blue rectangle in the bottom of my screen because I am receiveing a spam email every 7 seconds. It doesn't fill up with endless jobs and tasks that I must "urgently" attend to either. Finally, I don't think this one would a headache to install in a public computer laboratory with mandatory or roaming profiles. Right, that's settled, I'm moving over to this one on my work PC! But seriously, in this entry at least the effort was made to make some nice border UDGs around the simulated app whilst still retaining a general air of crapness. Now I just need to find the "out of office autoreply" option. |
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ZX Webcam
by polomint 29/09/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K & ZX Spectrum 128K/+2 | Again, we find an updating of the functionality of the standard speccy to allow it to perform useful modern-day funtions, like digital photography for example. The simple interface is to be commended, reducing the task down to a simple point-and-click type operation. Now you can admire your own photogenic looks which will give you the self confidence to say "I am beautiful", as you walk down the street with your head held high. Of course a saying always to bear in mind when using this program is "the camera never lies". |
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by Dr BEEP 13/10/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K |
Just when I thought all crap game coders had started to go into hibernation for the winter, I am happy to announce the first game of October after a two week CGC hiatus.
Dr BEEP did warn me before submission that this version of BASIC is impossible to program in and I really should have taken his word for it. I won't spoil the surprise by revealing what constitutes the element of "fun" here, but you can download the game or play it in the crap game arcade to find out. I can mention though that a Highlander reference finally made it into the CGC! (Which was badly needed at this point.) |
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ZX Road King
by mile 15/10/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 16K |
From the supplied instructions:-
ZX Road King by Mile Well done for buying the ZX Road King, kudos. In this package you will find the most advanced sat navigator currently using the WALATS system. The WALATS system uses up to date road signs and directions given by POTSOTS. The good people at MBM have added a personality to the ZX Road King, so even if you have a car with one set you will never drive alone again, the also allows you to drive in the car pool lane according to AMDTP. Look out for new versions with even more exciting destinations. copyright MBM the directions in the ZX Road king are in no way to be copied onto a scrap of paper and given to your mate. we in no way take any responsability for you getting lost. |
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by Arda 17/10/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K |
Arda tells me that this game is over twenty years old, but it has been modified especially for CSSCGC 2008!
This game is actually quite fun as you drive along the pothole-ridden road earning plenty of cash as you do so. Although through modern eyes it could look more like the cost of fuel you are burning as you drive along! Recently, I've fallen into the habit of only posting loading screens/intro screens on the game pages to leave an element of surprise on playing the game. So to see it, you'll have to play it! From the supplied instructions:- CAR GAME! (By Arda - 1985)
Make your way through 10 challenging levels of hole-jumping mayhem in this arcade action game.
How to play: |
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Elmo's karaoke C-rap (and many more)
by Dr BEEP 21/10/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K |
Here's one for the kids or adults alike from Dr BEEP, featuring a high quality Elmo graphic and lots of entertaining gameplay. I'll be sure to read up on "Elmo's World" at next oppurtunity as Dr BEEP suggests. I have some memories of the very educational Sesame Street from my early childhood. Frank T provided the BEEP instructions for the tune and today's CSSCGC update was brought to you by the letter 'C'... Dr BEEP Writes:- "For the non-Sesamestreet watchers (I have a small kid, so I may watch).
In Sesamestreet Elmo has his own item called "Elmo's world". |
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Brainf*ck Interpreter
by Gianfranco Zuliani 22/10/08 Download |
ZX Spectrum 48K |
This is another interesting addition to the new development environments now available in this year's competition.
Read this Wikipedia page to learn more about the fascinating Brainf*ck language. I have purposely screen grabbed the beginning of the BASIC listing of this entry because as can clearly be seen, the Brainf*ck source is embedded in a REM statement in line 10. This means that theoretically, someone could use this entry to actually submit a game written in Brainf*ck to the CSSCGC competition. Again, I won't spoil the fun of showing what the program does, so again you can download it or run it from the "arcade". Of course this assumes that you aren't a Brainf*uck guru who can work it out just by looking at the source! |
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