Tiny Pacman 2: Pacman Strikes Back

Level five of Pacman Strikes Back

Program listing on 48K Spectrum. All additional concepts and implementation for this version by Einar Saukas

Text Listing

 POKE 23693,1:
 CLS :
 DIM p(10):
 FOR l=0 TO 4:
 READ w,s,m$,m$:
 FOR a=1 TO 10:
 LET p(a)=85-9*a:
 PRINT AT a,0;m$(a*w-11 TO a*w):
 NEXT a:
 LET m$(p(1)+1)="":
 FOR a=1 TO l+2:
 LET g=p(a):
 LET i=8*RND-4:
 LET i=(a=1)*((k=7)-(k=6)+w*((k=8)-(k=9)))+SGN (ABS i-2+SGN (p(1)-g))*(1+11*(i>0))*(g<>p(1)):
 LET c=CODE m$(g+i+1)-45:
 LET p(a)=g+i*(c<2)-i*(m$(g-i+1)<"O")*(c>1)*(a>1):
 PRINT AT g/w+.5,g-w*INT (g/w);m$(g+1);AT w,0;l*58+s;AT p(a)/w+.5,p(a)-w*INT (p(a)/w); INK 7-a;"c@@@@@"(a):
 LET s=s+(a=c):
 BEEP (a=1)/99,c/2+l*4:
 IF a=1 OR p(a)-p(1) THEN NEXT a:
 POKE (s<58)*23620,w:
 NEXT l:
 DATA 12,1,"OOOOOOOOOOOOO...O......OO.O..OO.OO.OO.OO.....O.OO....OO....",m$+m$(w TO )+m$

Note on above listing: The game uses the '(c)' copyright character as found in the ZX-Spectrum character set to represent the pacman character. This has been replaced with the standard ASCII 'c' in the above listing.

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About the game

The first sequel to the game "Tiny Pacman". This version is now more difficult since there are no powerpills to protect pacman. It's also more difficult as the AI for the ghosts is greatly improved. There's still a random element to their movement, but they will sometimes appear to follow the pacman during play. All concepts and implementation for this version were done by Einar saukas, for which I am very grateful. Einar has added also sound to the game in this version, which varies depending on whether or not pacman is eating dots, also the pitch is changes with each level.

Rules of the Game

The Ghosts

@SpeedySpeedy appears as the sole ghost in the very first level. He is the fastest ghost in the game during level 1, but only because the game slows down on the later levels.
@SwampyFirst pops up in level two. Swampy likes to save the environment, and that means killing you reckless eater of dots.
@DandyNow things start to get a little bit tricky. By the time Dandy turns up, there are three ghosts in the maze and they really start to get under your feet.
@KennyBy the time Kenny turns up on level four, the game really starts to slow down. Grabbing the last few dots can now become very tricky, particularly in the dead-end parts of the maze.
@ShadowMaster of stealth, the best kept weapon of "tiny pacman" does not reveal himself until the very last level. Watch out carefully for this ghost, as he is the same colour as the maze, and can catch you unawares.

Hall of Fame
The following people have completed the game
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To submit a score to the hall of fame, please send a PM to "Digital Prawn" on the "World of Spectrum" Forums.

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